LMTA's Legislative Overview with Executive Director Renee Amar
Members, it has been an incredibly busy week in what has now been deemed a compressed session.
I’m going to share all of the bills that we have had positions this week, but the major highlight of the week is that several of the bills included in the legal reform package have started moving this week. Legislative leadership has shown a great amount of courage in the face of massive trial lawyer opposition. We have been posting notices daily on social media so everyone can follow along in real time.
HB 24 by Rep Melerine, Housely presumption, would fix a judicially created rule over who is liable for injuries.
Passed committee and floor
HB 336 by Rep Chenevert, Third Party Litigation Funding, would create transparency in the process where people outside of a lawsuit buy an interest in the lawsuit creating issues for parties.
Passed committee and floor
HB 423 by Rep Melerine, collateral source, would reform the process that allows a windfall for plaintiffs & attorneys as compensation for bills that were never and will never be paid. Trial lawyers use this to increase costs for bigger payouts for themselves.
Passed committee, heading to the House floor
HB 337 by Rep McFarland, direct action, would repeal the state’s direct action law, which allows insurance companies to be named in a suit.
Passed committee, heading to the House floor
SB 250 by Sen Allain, direct action.
Passed committee, heading to the Senate floor
Other Bills
HB 283 by Rep. Schlegel, CDL education, would add video use to CDL programs to educate students.
Passed committee and House floor
SB 260 by Sen. Cloud, transfer permits, would allow companies to transfer DOTD permits within their company a certain amount of times per year
Passed committee and heading to the Senate floor
SB 10 by Sen. Pressly, single business entity, would clarify a court created precedence that trial lawyers use. It would provide for the recognition of separate legal entities when those businesses are affiliated.
Passed committee and heads to the Senate floor
SB 93 by Sen. Hodges, highway prohibition, would prohibit commercial trucks from driving on Highway 1019. This creates a dangerous precedent for truckers across the state when we allow lawmakers, and not the DOTD, to start prohibiting the movement of trucks. We strongly oppose this bill.
Deferred in committee but told it will be heard later
HB 315 by Rep. Johnson, time for file a lawsuit, would increase the prescription period from one to two years. We opposed the bill as currently drafted. We are seeking a notice provision and to tie this bill to collateral source reform.
Passed the committee and heading to the House floor
C.Renee Amar
Executive Director | LMTA & LMTA Foundation
Cell: (225) 287-0117