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ATA Mid-Year Management Session

ATA Mid-Year Management Session

5/5/2023 - 5/8/2023


ATA’s Mid-Year Management Session (MYMS) attracts trucking’s top executives and is an important way for ATA members to discuss the association’s strategic priorities, catch up with colleagues, hear advocacy updates, and influence the direction of the trucking industry. 

Please join us for the 2023 event in Hollywood, FL where our policy committees will meet in-person and discuss the trucking industry's most critical issues face to face. 

These meetings provide ATA members a unique value to ensure their company's interests are well-represented. The ATA is dependent on your engagement and voice, and MYMS serves as a forum for all members to directly share their perspective on important industry issues. In turn, it equips ATA staff with what they need to best represent your business. Your perspectives on the opportunities and challenges closest to us is the foundation of what we use to educate the administration, Congress, and communities across America.

The Diplomat Beach Resort
3555 S Ocean Dr Unit 1412
Hollywood, FL 33019 United States
5/5/2023 - 5/8/2023
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